Monday, August 17, 2009

Obesity Statistics in America


This morning I woke up thinking about how EVERYWHERE I went this weekend, over HALF the people I saw were overweight; in some cases MORBIDLY OBESE! I often wonder if people realize that THEY control their OWN bodies!....What you put in your mouths is a DIRECT reflection of YOU...LITERALLY!...If you eat CRAP-FOOD all will LOOK and FEEL like CRAP!...I know..I know...I'M sort of BRUTAL!....Wellllllllll if brutality gets you OFF the couch...OUT the drive-thru...and IN the gym...then just call me BRUTAL-BETTY..*smile* :-)

Take a few moments and read through the statistics I retrieved from the American Sports Data, Inc. website. To actually SEE this data is HEARTBREAKING!...Remembering that I used to be an overweight...200 pound....busy mom...that probably thought JUST like YOU!..."I just don't have the time to workout...Less 55 pounds later....I am here to tell you that it CAN be done...and you DO have time!....READ your food labels...EDUCATE yourself about nutrition...KNOW your body....and GET-IT-IN DAILY!!! (take a peep at my previous blog posts for workout tips)

"Obesity is proliferating through the United States: 3.8 MILLION people are OVER 300 pounds, over 400,000 people (mostly males) carry OVER 400 pounds and the average adult female weighs and unprecedented 163 pounds!....The National Center for Health statistics has been tracking America's obesity problem for over FOUR DECADES..
  • Between 1962 and the year 2000, the number of obese Americans grew from 13%, to an alarming 31% of the population
  • 63% of Americans are overweight
  • 31% are obese
  • Childhood obesity has MORE THAN TRIPLED in the past two decades
  • According to the U.S. Surgeon General report obesity is responsible for over 300,000 deaths EVERY year"

DO NOT WORK THROUGH YOUR LUNCH HOUR TODAY!!...Go walking, EVEN if its just for 20 minutes! YOU are in control of you OWN health...LIVE HEALTHY!...Have a FAN-TAB-U-LOUS healthy salad for lunch!....WORK....SWEAT...


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